www.superverselife.com - Superverse®
Posted on 11/01/2021 in Personal Growth

Holiday Season and the New year

Holiday Season and the New year

Happy Monday,

Reflecting on the past few week as we transition into the holiday season has brought a few realizations. Most of the time this is when we indulge in the holiday festivities and set goals for the next year to be be better and greater than the last. Usually this consists of overeating, indulging in food we typically stay away from, maybe even indulging in activities which aren’t the healthiest, only to turn around and promise ourselves to be better. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing ourselves to be free to enjoy life, we must always remind ourselves that we will pay for what we choose. Being aware of our own tendencies and habits is tough in the face of stress, coping with stress is usually our reason for allowing ourselves to be set back by these choices.

I encourage myself and others to remain aware of our triggers to self-indulge and excuse that which we know is not helpful on our path the healthy self we want to be even in the midst of the holiday season. Stay present, stay aware and listen to our bodies, to give us a chance to truly start off the new year with a renewed sense of self and a new beginning. This doesn’t mean do not have a wonderful time but don’t forsake our growth and new identity for temporary indulgences that sets us back further and makes the path the greatness that much steeper.  

Enjoy family, loved ones and life, but keep in mind the choices we make we will always have to live with whether today or tomorrow. Stay centered, stay present and most of all stay safe. Let’s begin to see ourselves in a new light and encourage greatness in others also by being the example and difference in each other’s lives. Make a choice to think, live and be different and manifest your greatest achievements yet! 

Happy holidays !

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