www.superverselife.com - Superverse®

Meet the Team!

Steven Goard

Steven has 10+ years of Web-Development experience coupled with 16+ years of Weight training and a passion for helping others. He set out to develop a platform that assists people in reaching their wellness goals while helping certified professionals to receive exposure; Superverse became a reality.
Founder / CEO

Jason Walker

Jason is a skilled developer with 10+ years exprience JavaScript, SQL, AngularJS, and HTML/PHP. Full Stack Web Developer focused in Computer Software Engineering and mobile app development.
Web / Application Developer

Christopher Brandon King

Christohper is a process improvement, project management, analysis, and strategic management professional with several years experience in his field. He focuses his autodidactic drive on the fundamentals of improvement with both logic and creativity.
Strategic Planner

Latasha Hatcher

Latasha is an innovative and accomplished graphic design professional with experience providing comprehensive coordination of all product development activities from research to market. She has a technically strong background in web design and graphic design from print material to branding and marketing.
Lead Designer

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